Mmmmm donuts SCORE 10

How to park a trail bike SCORE 120

Cat’s Eyes SCORE 18

Is there a doctor on board? SCORE 31

Why Warm Up? SCORE -6

Well played, horse. SCORE 9

My friend wanted to talk about his sleep problems. SCORE 194

I feel this way about a lot of parents. SCORE 11

Philosoraptors SCORE 21

Truth SCORE 156

Times sure have changed SCORE 192

Mind the …. nevermind SCORE 17

you still have a chance… SCORE 336

Free stick! SCORE 20

Star Wars references are Cool SCORE 19

Are you smiling? SCORE 16

Wise words to live by SCORE 18

Cats love boxes SCORE 146

The comic in my school newspaper SCORE 213

Catch SCORE 164


Less popular soft drinks. SCORE 125

Back to school SCORE 161

Gun Safety Lessons from sherlock homes SCORE 166

How to survive a lightning strike. SCORE 167

If the Death Star had it’s own Bar SCORE 155

You know you live in a bad hood when… SCORE 228

Happy last day of April! SCORE 14

Unlikely friends SCORE 173

Smuggling is a Gentleman’s Crime SCORE 15

Mhmm. SCORE 15

Words With Friends Speaks Truth SCORE 182