The good old days SCORE 93
No one can deny a source like Punxsutawney Phil SCORE 129
Me another year same situation SCORE 119
*toot* SCORE 87
the struggle is real SCORE 102
Enjoy your stay SCORE 93
This good boye did a heck of a grow this year SCORE 159
Spooky Music SCORE 154
The joys of school teaching SCORE 142
No shame SCORE 76
Nun SCORE 145
Send a text from your computer via email. SCORE 56
Child’s hug rejected by dog SCORE 91
A rare picture of an 8-bit cat from the 90s SCORE 126
JeSUs TemPTEd By SaTan SCORE 82
Men take words literally SCORE 68
I have worked at several help desk positions. SCORE 129
You Can Only Choose One Bucket SCORE 75
Wrong place, wrong time. SCORE 103
Good ol William. SCORE 160
Snek is in this year. SCORE 65
Seal of Cthulhu SCORE 99
Ah, okay? See ya SCORE 106
I fit SCORE 86
The Food line ups. SCORE 145
Project: FreeSki SCORE 216
I go to a catholic school SCORE 133
When you can’t win. SCORE 119
Those where the days SCORE 145
The never-ending sleep struggle SCORE 73
For my family of 5 living in a small house, it’s the gift that kept on giving all holiday SCORE 53
Winston thinks I don’t see him stalking me SCORE 90