One Direction Parody about Zayn’s departure SCORE 4
NyQuil FTW! SCORE 77
The Diphylleia Grayi SCORE 188
But I Trusted You SCORE 133
Radical Female Muslims SCORE 175
Genghis never gave up SCORE 168
When I Was Kid I Used To Think About This SCORE 15
Bro, give me a lift SCORE 10
That's how the fight started SCORE -7
Getting Up Early In The Morning SCORE 13
Really rude, man SCORE 13
A very dedicated scientist. SCORE 175
Meet Baby, the pitbull. SCORE 307
Run For Your Health And Your Life SCORE 141
The best dating advice I've ever recieved SCORE 10
That’s a great point. SCORE 8
This is the best thing I've read all week SCORE 184
Human, Not Again SCORE 11
Tips of Famous Writers for Improving Your Style (Infographic) SCORE 2
Because f*ck physics! SCORE 193
Next level stupid SCORE 195
Luxury feminine protection. SCORE 11
When a date ends and neither of us makes a move SCORE 15
Choose Your Charities Wisely SCORE 3
Growing up SCORE 15
Albert Einstein on Music SCORE 9
An actual Canadian coffee shop SCORE 132
My new fav quote SCORE 184
Every parent ever SCORE 116
Your Email Says A Lot About You SCORE 7
Just saw the first Christmas commercial. SCORE 103