Smeagol vs. Gollum Rap battle SCORE 1
Mine. SCORE 100
How to stay entertained after retirement SCORE 20
Selfish kitty. SCORE 164
The entire Twilight Saga SCORE 356
Wingardium Leviosa SCORE 9
Science. SCORE 208
Some days… SCORE 18
The secret behind shin guards. SCORE 10
Grab a snickers, this will be a while SCORE 0
Oh, silly Hufflepuff SCORE 11
Eat your vegetables. SCORE 11
Conductors and their spells SCORE 6
Why you get so emotional. SCORE 460
Ignorance can kill you. SCORE 222
A few of my fellow classmates need to see this. SCORE 270
Dem feels. SCORE 450
Colbert on the royal baby. SCORE 15
Scumbag cats. SCORE 8
The great Bill Bailey on American lyrics.. SCORE 362
It’s his favorite instrument. SCORE 229
Keep calm & … SCORE 179
Wedding logic. SCORE 12
Hug me. SCORE 11
At a local breakfast place. SCORE 16
But… Why!? SCORE 167
Mind blown. SCORE 3
Tempting… SCORE 12
The price of being Batman, 1939 and 2013. SCORE 10
Crater Face SCORE 13
Anyone else? SCORE 358
Why Virgin America is my favorite airline. SCORE 358