The loneliest frog in the world SCORE 12
Compliments: Men vs. Women SCORE 180
My trust issues SCORE 10
It’s The Way Relationships Work SCORE 9
Some Teachers Don't Get It SCORE 8
Just Go Away SCORE 6
Don't start. SCORE 7
Did somebody order a Pugkin Spice Latte? SCORE 10
Game Of Thrones, The Coloring Book SCORE 13
Rhyming SCORE 4
Farewell Cake From Coworkers SCORE 181
Fall back problems SCORE 8
Choose wisely my friends SCORE 8
Wisdom teeth SCORE 8
Death with benefits SCORE 142
Homeless people SCORE 6
Stop It, Human SCORE 8
What will you choose? SCORE 105
It’s How Much I Love You SCORE 9
Me as a witch SCORE 11
This is why Superman doesn't go to England. SCORE 120
Oh, I Wish I Was That Creative SCORE 189
Come On, Be Strong SCORE 8
Yeah, gaming! SCORE 163
Huh? SCORE 138
Meanwhile In Denmark SCORE 11
The Cat Who Sits Like A Person SCORE 14
Pull the lever, Kronk! WRONG LEVER! SCORE 150
Why didn’t we think of this? SCORE 148
The battle just started SCORE 139
Grammar is important SCORE 14