Pretty ungrateful if you ask me… SCORE 83
Am I the only one around here who didn't know that Scarlett Johansson has a twin SCORE 110
I decorated my parents house for Christmas SCORE 179
My hobbies: SCORE 16
2 Types Of Girls SCORE -5
Fireworks SCORE 202
Warning: Excessive facepalming can cause a concussion SCORE 13
Anyone else? SCORE 114
Even a burglar couldn't resist SCORE 183
Holiday realization SCORE 190
Why is this dog dressed better than me SCORE 13
Christmas Wishes SCORE 17
Ho-ho-ho SCORE 16
Emma stone SCORE 176
What she said vs My expectation vs Reality SCORE 14
Can't argue with that SCORE 172
Oh, Ms. Frizzle SCORE 93
Artisan*lly aged pizza dough SCORE 195
wat SCORE 12
Random Shower Thoughts SCORE 20
Especially the dogs SCORE 11
Welcome team for aliens SCORE 14
A Million Bucks SCORE 239
Sums It Up Perfectly SCORE -4
Life and death SCORE 163
Architectural Christmas SCORE 14
Now thats some next level problem solving SCORE 133
And Now I’m Sad SCORE 140
Sleazy Sneezy SCORE -8
Incredible Recovery SCORE 166