Oreo finally listened. SCORE 46
The force is not strong with this meme SCORE 29
Doesn’t stop them from trying SCORE 21
This is awkward SCORE 22
Jeepers, creepers, where’d you get those peepers? SCORE 21
Might be a cat SCORE 28
need… coffee… immediately… SCORE 33
Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, pizza at suppertime! SCORE 44
Now I celebrate my birthday twice a year SCORE 57
Sustained SCORE 35
Game, set, and match SCORE 31
Bright future ahead SCORE 44
Happy Gilmore in retirement SCORE 37
VR walk leads to poop on the bed. SCORE 24
Trust no one. SCORE 38
Warning – don’t try this in New York SCORE 50
He was given a second interview, oddly enough. SCORE 36
This isn’t the burn he thinks it is SCORE 26
They call him the “Nay Hay Kid” SCORE 22
Irreconcilable differences SCORE 22
Don’t breathe SCORE 21
Water for adults. Vodka SCORE 37
duck… duck… duck… duck… GOOSE SCORE 25
He’s just fluffy! SCORE 34
*Meows internally* SCORE 54
How to become Pikachu in real life SCORE 35
Fashion over vision SCORE 42
distracts so good SCORE 28
Blue shells bring out the worst in me SCORE 30
Red Bull going all out on its new advertising campaign SCORE -4
The charge never lasts long enough SCORE 20