Can't beat the classics SCORE 12
Neighbors With A Brilliant Sense Of Humor SCORE 145
My worst fears have been confirmed SCORE 90
Luigi's Mansion. Awesome Jack-o-Lantern SCORE 165
A cat of Ice and Fire SCORE 156
Who's yours? SCORE 86
Halloween SCORE 167
The largest cave in the world. SCORE 14
The future is now! SCORE 10
It all makes sense now SCORE 132
Why Higher Education Is Still Important? [Infographic] SCORE -2
The knitting clock SCORE 88
When An Artist Plays With Her Food SCORE 10
Ducks Wearing Funny Clothes SCORE 142
Dad Joke Survivors SCORE 193
Swiper, no swiping. SCORE 12
Bucket SCORE 124
Too much yellow SCORE 100
Every time SCORE 147
The Goblet Of Fire SCORE 9
a meowtain SCORE 6
Abandoned Japanese hotel SCORE 9
Self checkout SCORE 12
This Is Truly Evil SCORE 10
That horrible moment SCORE 11
Sometimes looking for the right words may be complicated SCORE 156
He Deserves A Peace Prize SCORE 185
Build Your Own Dream SCORE 13
These pals SCORE 12
Always Appreciate The Good Instead Of Focusing On The Evil SCORE 182
The world’s smallest chess set in a ring SCORE 94
A Good Teacher Always Keeps His Promise SCORE 152