Nom SCORE 12

Deal with it SCORE 16

Tulip fields in Netherlands SCORE 161

Cat Fort SCORE 134

Pathetic muggles SCORE 225

It Was Like This SCORE 7

Chris Pratt on the red carpet SCORE 196

Perfect For Summer: Iced Coffee SCORE 8

Dolphins are cool SCORE 11

Cheerleaders before they were celebrities SCORE 14

Remember This When Buying The Apple Watch SCORE 151

The Class I Need SCORE 131

USB fan clock SCORE 9

I know what I’m up to this weekend… SCORE 156

But Where Is The Raccoon? SCORE 8

That Is One Big Instrument SCORE 127

Every Movie Night SCORE 1

Faith In Our Generation Restored SCORE 202

Those Beautiful Lines SCORE 150

Life Goals. SCORE 137

Working On A Group Project SCORE 135

Life Is Simple SCORE 16

This Is Fascinating SCORE 128

Ninjas everywhere! SCORE 163

One in a million shot! SCORE 144

It's natural SCORE 150

Dog sliding on the stairs. SCORE 14

French SCORE 216

Do You Want To Hear A Blonde Joke? SCORE 149

sleepy vs tired SCORE 137

That's a good question…. SCORE 12

This Makes Me Uncomfortable SCORE 174