inch by inch SCORE 22

can’t deny SCORE 9

hat trick SCORE 34

you always need more memes SCORE 11

friendship endship SCORE 11

marking the spot SCORE 11

yeah brother SCORE 14

life’s a zoo SCORE 11

step by step SCORE 18

opposites attract SCORE 21

barbara manatee (manatee manatee) SCORE 19

monthly math matchup SCORE 15

beer o’clock SCORE 11

no gatekeeping SCORE 19

project projecting SCORE 19

pspspspspeed us on our way SCORE 12

2020 vision SCORE 10

healthy living SCORE 10

sunsetting SCORE 3

sweet eats SCORE 16

let it all out SCORE 7

cursed language SCORE -21

emotional sponge SCORE 16

knife to know ya SCORE 17

resting bird face SCORE 23

employee enjoyee SCORE 23

social cat-astrophe SCORE 14

me-cury in retrograde SCORE 12

snack for a snack SCORE 5

feeling feelings SCORE 21

caffeine counting SCORE 15

legendary cat SCORE 25