shut up nerd SCORE 30
Think about it… SCORE 25
*quacks in dog* SCORE 31
89-Year-Old Woman Has Knitted 450 Blankets For Shelter Dogs SCORE 33
Budget cuts shouldn’t effect the sciences… SCORE 18
I’ve seen the HBO series, thanks… SCORE 25
Do you like to party? SCORE 29
Doesn’t have the same ring to it… SCORE 16
Boots wit the buurrrr SCORE 21
The Media is Public Enemy #2 SCORE 22
Big truckin’ SCORE 30
Two ears is overrated. SCORE 16
Lorde halp us. SCORE 18
The old men and the sea SCORE 32
Sorry about that. SCORE 21
pro suck SCORE 37
Rowling inspired. SCORE 20
Sad people need jobs, also. SCORE 25
Totatally legit. SCORE 26
Wendy’s should pass out aloe instead of dipping sauces. SCORE 22
He who controls the bread… SCORE 27
Monkey’s love the pupper. SCORE 29
Thrift store find of the year. SCORE 29
Can we eat jelly fish? SCORE 19
iTs mEnTaL hEaLtH SCORE 24
2nd times the charm… SCORE 28
Aerodynamic poop schute. SCORE 6
Farm the world. SCORE 24
Yeah, definitly a good candidate to compare yourself with… SCORE 12
You want how much? SCORE 25
Loose my number! SCORE 33