Good guy Gordon SCORE 239
Well did you? SCORE 12
How far have you gone? SCORE 183
Parents with newborns on facebook SCORE 15
I’m That Person SCORE 174
I mean, whatever's comfortable SCORE 15
Truth! SCORE 13
Sunset in Paris SCORE 137
How I act when I’m hungry SCORE 167
Isn’t It Odd? SCORE 17
I went to the library, accidentally ended up in Intersteller… SCORE 157
Effort game strong SCORE 135
I Wish We Had These All Over The World SCORE 14
Popcorn in slowmo SCORE 16
You Are A Monster SCORE 13
Sadly accurate. SCORE 16
Just the way I am SCORE 16
Rubber ducky, you’re the one SCORE 105
Me too, pinecone SCORE 12
Tummy tickles is happiness SCORE 136
I Need This Shower Curtain SCORE 10
My Favorite Pick Up Line SCORE 15
You Had One Job SCORE 159
It's sad, really SCORE 142
How Cats End Up With Nine Lives SCORE 121
adult cereal SCORE 12
Math appeal SCORE 252
At least things are improving SCORE 145
USA should invade USA SCORE 214
When your fave show ends SCORE 112
Poor ron SCORE 121
Painting Of A Painting SCORE 221