Risky village in Spain. SCORE 24
Joots will lead the way. SCORE 14
Harvard Biz Review doing the Lorde’s work. SCORE 30
For both toddlers and drunk adults. SCORE 35
Head on out… SCORE 23
Eat the bread of life… SCORE 12
The Art of Panting With String. SCORE 33
Ants get thirst, also. SCORE 17
I miss those 40min lectures SCORE 26
Kitty needs a forehead kiss SCORE 17
Powering up..r..r..r..rrreeeeeee! SCORE 30
Yvonne Craig with her dog on the set of the 1960’s Batman TV series. SCORE 22
The Simpsons did it first SCORE 12
Good on ya, Joey. SCORE 23
What a great way to spend life. SCORE 27
Sugar isn’t vegan! SCORE 22
I could listen to you all day. SCORE 26
imagine the headlines on apple news SCORE 27
We Meat… SCORE 27
Ruff entry… SCORE 29
When the bread starts hitting… SCORE 6
She’s absolutely correct SCORE 33
Oh right, babies… SCORE 24
Restrain this man. SCORE 15
Yer a bumblebee, hairy… SCORE 35
Dads can make friends, too. SCORE 27
Family is there for you. SCORE 33
The disabled parking spot at this Mexican restaurant features a sombrero and cerveza SCORE 21
Already ordered my tinfoil hat. SCORE 29
Biological mythology. SCORE 25
Now that’s gangsta SCORE 26
You’ve done excellent, so far. SCORE 25