How Europeans view America SCORE 148
Admit it. SCORE 135
Snape goes on the Bachelorette SCORE 22
So close… SCORE 205
Dem feels SCORE 213
You’re doing it right. SCORE 217
Just where it ought to be… SCORE 13
DIY Grills SCORE 4
You’re in my spot. SCORE 17
She suspects nothing… SCORE 15
It’s a trap! SCORE 11
The best part about getting old. SCORE 69
Wilson?! SCORE 175
Perspective. SCORE 189
Is it ever? SCORE 5
Well that was lucky. SCORE 312
Slightly weird SCORE 131
Bring your kid to work day. SCORE 17
Life is hard sometimes. SCORE 192
A cat candle. SCORE 185
Photographing a newborn. SCORE 299
Accurate. SCORE 212
How I use my queen size bed. SCORE 196
I would die… SCORE 13
The Swiss don’t mess around. SCORE 225
Abelisaurus SCORE 18
Ordinary batman adventures. SCORE 8
"Internet explorers speed won’t go any lower" SCORE 17
The Canadian mob. SCORE 192
Would you look at the thyme. SCORE 226
Hello, boys. SCORE 298