Why I will never go surfing. SCORE 217
Jensen Ackles is a Time Lord. SCORE 205
You know you’re rich when… SCORE 189
Galifianakis gets confused SCORE 221
The Winter Olympics SCORE 183
frozen. How I love this movie SCORE 180
And she strikes again! SCORE 19
Cats in the bath. SCORE 13
Chomp! SCORE 151
Please make this happen. SCORE 331
Google. SCORE 208
The cheesiest Valentine. SCORE 16
Deal with it. SCORE 57
How the world ends. SCORE 19
Made in USA. Made in China. SCORE 14
Next Level SCORE 20
Words. SCORE 160
How Daryl becomes Chewbacca. SCORE 132
Roman military tactics. SCORE 204
White collar crime. SCORE 263
Where do you match up? SCORE 16
Do you want to build a snowman? SCORE 15
Is winter over yet? SCORE 9
How to sneeze in 10 languages. SCORE 15
The book always wins! SCORE 186
Living in an episode of Sherlock. SCORE 324
This is my jam! SCORE 14
Old people Valentine. SCORE 13
The Empty Hearse. SCORE 164
Doge. SCORE 215
Protect your deathly hollow before it becomes a goblet of fire. SCORE 144