airhorny SCORE 51
wife win SCORE 26
the gripper of the ripper SCORE 15
mooning out the window SCORE 12
souperb idea SCORE 20
problem manage-ment SCORE 26
(not) feeling the wind in your hair SCORE 16
shaking things up SCORE 9
“don’t worry, he doesn’t bite” SCORE 18
crusty-acean SCORE 10
meating expectations SCORE -41
the fine prints SCORE 24
the gouda life SCORE 26
crusty opinion SCORE 14
past vs present, colorized (2024) SCORE 13
frequent treat-ment SCORE 17
the devil’s in the d-etails SCORE 5
sleeping un-beauty SCORE 17
jack black is at the top, right? SCORE 10
when the student becomes the master SCORE 31
fallout fallout SCORE 6
gaming gains SCORE 21
judas jumpscare SCORE 32
a moron’s melancholy SCORE 20
addressing issues SCORE 30
weeding out the weak SCORE 16
wiped clean SCORE 32
trolley problem SCORE 17
eat-o burrito SCORE 5
a little head’s up SCORE 24
im’ one two please SCORE 6
hankering for a hank SCORE 19