Me, whenever it snows. SCORE 105
Organic Chem SCORE 17
How my dog does the cha-cha. SCORE 83
Handerpants. SCORE 91
My binders full of women exploded! SCORE 115
Science is fascinating… SCORE 160
How Dracula likes to drink his juice. SCORE 73
That awkward moment when… SCORE 208
Motherhood. SCORE 160
How I feel about this years election. SCORE 228
Children are like farts… SCORE 128
what?! SCORE 11
Whenever I try to do anything athletic. SCORE 95
The rainbowand. SCORE 117
Rollin’ wit my sushiz SCORE 80
The harsh reality. SCORE 144
What dog heaven looks like. SCORE 101
Ultrasound SCORE -2
Hipster porn. SCORE 258
Motherhood. SCORE 87
So that’s how that works… SCORE 149
Sometimes late at night… SCORE 158
Whenever I rush to the store. SCORE 147
Sure it is… SCORE 111
Why I don’t go out. SCORE 192
Dis my scary face. SCORE 245
Can you be done with Facebook now? SCORE 103
Russian Dancing Men SCORE 2
I’m much more interesting on the internet. SCORE 59
How to watch horror films: A wimp’s guide. SCORE 96
Faith in humanity restored. SCORE 342