Oops, I spilled water all over my face… SCORE 157
When People Complain About My Procrastination SCORE 8
How The Next Star Wars Should Start SCORE 16
Ugliest Christmas sweater I’ve seen this year. SCORE 15
This sweater wins all the ugly sweater awards SCORE 8
2015 = 11111011111 SCORE 5
Anderson Cooper everybody. SCORE 105
I live by this SCORE 162
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea SCORE 145
When will Tumblr stop ruining my childhood SCORE 13
Awesome News For Some People SCORE 10
I'm Not Mad, I'm Just Disappointed SCORE 121
A Butcher’s Take On Vegan People SCORE 13
How my year went SCORE 111
Hole in a net SCORE 130
Typical Snow Days SCORE 140
The longest receipt SCORE 6
I love Pinterest SCORE 165
Next call: "Mom, don't freak out, but I'm in the morgue…" SCORE 177
Lumberjack Cake SCORE 127
I want to learn sign language now SCORE 183
This Guy Invented A New Way To Eat M&Ms SCORE 1
College be like SCORE 166
Literally just got done revising and re-bullshitting my resume for a job at my university. SCORE 171
Best Advice I’ve Ever Received SCORE 8
There we go SCORE 210
Respect to these guys SCORE 192
The funny thing is… it’s so true SCORE 90
Head lice SCORE 111
Every kid’s first shank SCORE 14
Matthew Lewis SCORE 115
Apparently I’ve Been Cleaning It Wrong My Whole Life SCORE 119