Are You Aware Sir? SCORE 12
"hey bear!" …. "hey snack" SCORE 16
This is how I usually feel around this time of year SCORE 3
My parents SCORE 14
Never Too Old To Look Good SCORE 195
This minion has seen some stuff SCORE 18
Does this mean I'm a psychopath? SCORE 133
Pick Up Line Doesn’t Go As Expected SCORE 8
This could get interesting SCORE 11
How To Treat Your Wounds SCORE 120
Portugeese SCORE 169
The future seems stupid SCORE 192
I have never related to anything more in my life SCORE 9
Thought Everyone Should See This SCORE 247
The banana apocalypse SCORE 12
The customer is always right SCORE 270
Just doing his job SCORE 9
Maybe They Have a Dad Handwriting Convention SCORE 204
It’s A Free Country SCORE 154
Some interesting random facts SCORE 136
‘aww look at his little hat!’ SCORE 158
Awesome Dog Cross-Breeds SCORE 114
Using a robot to create a self-portrait in your own blood SCORE 6
Good point real Donald Trump SCORE 192
The original arabic number system SCORE 9
Oh No, This Is Serious SCORE 12
Apply Some Cold Water SCORE 200
Good SCORE 144
How ya doin? SCORE 14
Childhood photos of GoT actors SCORE 11
Hurry Up People SCORE 11
Before And After Bangs SCORE 5