This Poem is deep SCORE 113
Family Dinner In The Galaxy SCORE 8
Door Bell With Music SCORE 7
When you replace skrillex with a mop SCORE 3
Classic hipster SCORE 151
Anyone else do this? SCORE 196
Look At This Dog, Look At Him SCORE 9
How Cats Usually See Things SCORE 11
This entertained me for longer than it should SCORE 144
The world is ruined SCORE 92
Anime Amino Acid SCORE 14
Basically Every Day Of My Life SCORE 8
Public displays of affection SCORE 0
Black Knight Slippers SCORE 13
The Secret Behind Strong Relationships SCORE 11
Why I Love Jason Momoa SCORE 10
Kitty On A Diet SCORE 13
My Current Laundry Situation SCORE 11
A friend of mine left his car in a parking lot for 6 days SCORE 122
Target In A Nutshell SCORE 14
A lion gets a CAT scan SCORE 9
Where’s Harry? SCORE 17
Vampires SCORE 184
Part Of The Story SCORE 116
Two seconds into the powerball drawing SCORE 11
It’s Carbon Free SCORE 126
Its too late, lady beards is a thing now SCORE 11
This Shark… SCORE 70
I Need To Show This To My Nutritionist SCORE 8
Highlighter In A Microwave SCORE 10
The difference between Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy… SCORE 104
Hope Everything Goes Swimmingly For Them SCORE 155