Hoo! Allowed this? SCORE 41
loved to death SCORE 20
“it should be real dog!” SCORE 12
grease on lease SCORE 6
drinking and dreading SCORE 1
food forethought SCORE 24
“what a wicked show!” SCORE 11
crunch n munch SCORE 19
the red letter SCORE 10
anime accusation SCORE 14
don’t make me let the goose loose SCORE 17
walken the wok SCORE 18
sonic drive-thru SCORE 32
bone-in hotdogs SCORE -17
hamster hankering SCORE 17
O. what (h)utter joy SCORE 30
ten(nis) out of ten(nis) SCORE 23
displays of data SCORE 21
worldbuilding SCORE 26
a new tune SCORE 23
mortal kombat hairkut SCORE 19
“a wizard is never la–wow that is a lot” SCORE 6
a good taste SCORE 20
(head)rushing into things SCORE 22
PJ performance SCORE 8
mwahaha SCORE 6
fairy “oh god” mother SCORE 15
sleeping solo SCORE 18
lovely bumpy lumps SCORE 23
happy ever after SCORE 21
“look, four riders!” SCORE 12
prescription performance SCORE 14