Owls SCORE 12
Looking at you scientists, engineers! SCORE 10
Only Clever People Will Understand These Jokes SCORE 8
Art can be fun SCORE 13
Your fandoms, people!!! SCORE 160
Awesome Hair Dye SCORE 13
Steps leading into the abyss. Pragser Wildsee, Italy. SCORE 139
me when I diet SCORE 144
Those poor cabbages! SCORE 11
Fruit Basket SCORE 205
Why Being A Nerd Is Awesome SCORE 162
I didn't realize how metal pineapples are SCORE 191
Cutie on the loose! SCORE 131
Don’t Touch My Babies SCORE 218
The Missing Link SCORE 168
This Guy Should Be A Crazy Villain SCORE 204
But What Does It Mean To Be A Man? SCORE 194
How dumb can they be? SCORE 10
Humor helps people discuss some of the tougher subjects SCORE 9
Oh, If Only… SCORE 7
When the spider in my room kills the fly in my room SCORE 123
And Here’s The Correct Usage Of Thy And Thou SCORE 151
It’s Time Lady SCORE 140
Celebrities With Tiny Faces SCORE -3
I wouldn’t mind some foundation… SCORE 180
Being The Son Of Harry Potter SCORE 143
Well, If You Didn’t Sing This… SCORE 13
A Coder's Halloween Nightmare SCORE 14
The story of one lazy cat SCORE 14
Clever grayscale costumes SCORE 152
When Your Name Is Mentioned In A Song SCORE 118
Baby Tasmanian Devil SCORE 130