Deal with it… AHHHH! SCORE 12
Rooftop Pool, Marina Bay Sands Resort, Singapore SCORE 9
#BuckeyeNation SCORE 6
How Leonardo DiCaprio gets over a breakup SCORE 131
Future Dwight. SCORE 194
Past relationships. SCORE 178
Eevengers SCORE 0
No Horseplay SCORE 8
Someday I’ll make it. SCORE 126
Inappropriate questions to ask your mother. SCORE 225
Insom-nom-nom-nom-nia. SCORE 11
While on a trip… SCORE 18
The Friend Zone Jacuzzi SCORE 12
Stephen Hawking, my idol. SCORE 129
Dear Student Loan Recipient. SCORE 212
Learning from the best SCORE 14
Weird Al performs a magic trick SCORE 200
Now Everything’s a Competition SCORE 161
When I see this in apartments. SCORE 15
snarf SCORE 1
Stairway to nowhere SCORE 152
How to cut a pizza. SCORE 5
deep questions in manga SCORE -6
Welcome to the Internet! SCORE 6
The Hunger Games. SCORE 149
Salads are hard SCORE 14
"Steve Carell is here tonight" SCORE 224
Breakdancing firewood SCORE 128
Some facts about animals. SCORE 142
Magnum revolver SCORE 8
I hate brushing my teeth SCORE 128
Some of the signage at work seems questionable SCORE 7