Why do you do this, cat? SCORE 14
Are we there yet? SCORE 183
So this is where all my money went SCORE 137
Bavaria, in Germany. SCORE 168
Daniel Radcliffe rocks. SCORE 195
Gates Of The Arctic, Alaska SCORE 12
"What would you do if you won the lottery?" SCORE 122
Awesome hair. I want it SCORE 10
Such A Fun Fact SCORE 8
I really love Chinese food. SCORE 159
woof SCORE 186
Social anxiety: 1 romance: 0 SCORE 152
Dumbledore takes it too far SCORE 136
Witches And Black Cats SCORE 158
Sometimes All You Need Is Love SCORE 134
Something The World Should Consider… SCORE 195
Awesome Henna Tattoo SCORE 129
The new Google logo SCORE 163
Team Rwanda sees snow for the first time in their lives. SCORE 231
Should have never let him watch Kung Fu Panda SCORE 15
This Never Fails SCORE 12
I laughed more than I should have SCORE 16
Sorting things in space. SCORE 15
I Would Like To Be The Reason SCORE 117
People Forget So Easily SCORE 15
One amazing transformation SCORE -10
Snoopledore SCORE 98
Welcome to South Africa SCORE 198
Nokia Bend Test SCORE 92
Too far. SCORE 150
Polar Bear kissing mom SCORE 113