I don't know whether to laugh or to cry SCORE 224
That joke is a brain-wreck SCORE 188
Ads SCORE 196
He knew what to do SCORE 167
If you feed me, I won’t go away SCORE 149
Tummy tickles is happiness SCORE 136
Brutal SCORE 232
It's sad, really SCORE 142
Time To Use Our Feet SCORE 122
Painting Of A Painting SCORE 221
You Are A Monster SCORE 13
Ugly contest SCORE 126
adult cereal SCORE 12
There’s No Time For Anything Else SCORE 14
Math Tests In A Nutshell SCORE 12
Good guy Gordon SCORE 239
How Cats End Up With Nine Lives SCORE 121
The face of no regrets. SCORE 127
Biden SCORE 154
I mean, whatever's comfortable SCORE 15
Sunset in Paris SCORE 137
And the princess mug. Perfect. SCORE 165
Me too, pinecone SCORE 12
Hands are weird SCORE 126
You Had One Job SCORE 159
I went to the library, accidentally ended up in Intersteller… SCORE 157
Effort game strong SCORE 135
The Milky Way and some lightning SCORE 127
You’re Not A Detective SCORE 152
Poor ron SCORE 121
Too real. SCORE 178
Adam Savage on education SCORE 196