It’s Dangerous, Frodo SCORE 132
Could be a Trump conspiracy SCORE 90
Gorgeous Stone Arrangements SCORE 23
I can’t help but agree. SCORE 251
My calculations were incorrect SCORE 17
Classical music SCORE 184
Pizza is love, pizza is life SCORE 9
A note to Apple regarding any new phones SCORE 210
How the gentlemen died out SCORE 13
Catching snowflakes SCORE 89
Dogs SCORE 0
Chocolate Roulette SCORE 10
Someone please explain. SCORE 183
You don't mess with Pusheen SCORE 12
Guy recreates pictures he saw on Tinder SCORE 10
How I Lost My friends SCORE 15
Life should be shared. SCORE 179
Two legged giraffe is seen prancing about SCORE 144
Custom C&H comics SCORE -13
Try it SCORE 13
The most comforting words you’ll ever hear as a student. SCORE 167
More proof that chicken are aliens plotting our downfall SCORE 17
Falcons, seriously? SCORE 93
Cafe Cat SCORE 87
Does anyone else feel this way? SCORE -10
This Snow skull SCORE 14
Our Modern Priorities SCORE 15
How to kiss a boy SCORE 10
I laughed at this church sign. SCORE 14
I think that Hugh Jackman as Wolverine is irreplaceable SCORE 168
Damn man SCORE 14