Thoughtful Parents Are The Best Kind Of Parents SCORE 17
Animals Look So Much Better When They’re Babies SCORE 14
I feel bad for that poor guy SCORE 206
Chicken strip SCORE 16
Sadly It’s The World We Live In SCORE 3
The cure for ADHD SCORE -2
War Against The Machines SCORE 158
Moms SCORE 10
Lana Lyrics SCORE 146
I'm just disappointed SCORE 171
Inspirational realizations SCORE 9
When Guys Do Their Girlfriends’ Makeup SCORE 14
The Inventor Of The Selfie SCORE 147
I'm really excited to get old SCORE 15
The Australian Territory As Seen By An American SCORE 12
This homeless couple who lived in a Walmart attic for two years. SCORE 10
Munchies SCORE 228
Jumpy hugs? SCORE 145
Boys Never Grow Up SCORE 116
Surprise Under The Carpet SCORE 217
These Should Definitely Be In More Places SCORE 146
Two worlds collide SCORE 10
is that really what i look like? SCORE 13
Books With Googly Eyes SCORE 12
Go Linda, go Linda SCORE 167
So You Miss The ’90s? SCORE 106
Great Costume Idea SCORE 15
Big Regrets In Life SCORE 14
It’s Kind Of Unbelievable SCORE 205
Way Too Crazy For Him SCORE 138
Why aren't we funding this? SCORE 176
Please Don’t Look Behind You SCORE 10