Give Dan a cookie SCORE 163
The Heaviest Man SCORE -5
This is actually real, and it’s a metal: Bismuth. SCORE 11
Really cool minimalistic shower SCORE 5
Trying to silently click pen SCORE 17
A bold strategy SCORE 167
Wrong Number In Canada SCORE 146
Corny But Funny Two Line Puns SCORE 14
Sometimes Silence Is Way Better SCORE 12
Cute! SCORE 15
Church extreme makeover SCORE 1
They think he’s a cow SCORE 14
Pure Photography Lies SCORE 12
Backyard bowling alley, with pins resetting via strings SCORE 128
Bachelor Pad SCORE 10
When your ex is choking. SCORE 5
My spirit animal SCORE 8
The True And Sad Story Of My Life SCORE 4
I don’t always get packages from my father but when I do… SCORE 144
Spelling Bee Nightmare SCORE 9
It’s fine… SCORE 16
How my brain works. SCORE 10
Adulting Problems SCORE 10
*attempts but fails* SCORE 12
Making a duck happy SCORE 15
Why Diets Never Work SCORE 9
Whenever I Visit My Grandparents SCORE 17
inspiration. SCORE 10
Children Are Sharp SCORE 14
Love SCORE 10
This Guy Is Breaking All The Rules At Once SCORE 17
It's Really All About Priorities SCORE 8