Sam and Cas SCORE 7
Savage SCORE 128
When you get a D in elementary school. SCORE 236
A teacher? SCORE 214
The dog talking to the cat. SCORE 14
Antiquity problems. SCORE 12
When you’re ocd about your breakfast cereal. SCORE 3
Vodka is just awesome water. SCORE 9
Every time I go into Macy’s, "Do you wanna try this perfume?" SCORE 0
Some see this dress as white and gold, some see it as blue and black. What? SCORE -10
Forever alone bench. SCORE 13
2:30am SCORE 150
Home security. SCORE 15
Enough human! SCORE 119
Expanding The Harry Potter Universe SCORE 61
The game of banana thrones SCORE 4
You read that wrong. SCORE 11
Full circle SCORE 196
Now I need a hippo bookmark SCORE 160
Albert Einstein. SCORE 200
The internet. SCORE 46
Your value… SCORE 13
Well Put Conan… Well Put… SCORE 190
Dreaming of ice cream. SCORE 5
I could eat a whale SCORE 209
Preschool vs. college. SCORE 10
James Franco just posted this on Instagram SCORE 5
Scooby! SCORE 201
Bill Clinton & Jennifer Lawrence SCORE 155
Great question. SCORE 11
Overthinking. SCORE 19
The circle of life. SCORE 10