Not Sure If Puppy Or Adorable Tiny Bear SCORE 11

Found Daniel Radcliffe as a woman in an old timey photo. SCORE 15

Clever Folding Table SCORE 7

A father’s wisdom SCORE 145

Yeah, That’s About Right SCORE 135

Bad Joke Snake SCORE 12

Hand-carved skateboards in Mumbai SCORE 148

Probably The Happiest Puppy I’ve Ever Seen SCORE 14

Walking The Same Path, Calvin SCORE 9

Cutest Rawr Ever SCORE 160

He wants some nuts. SCORE 187

Dave, Check Dis. I’m A Hoooman. Hurr-durr SCORE 12

Very valid point. SCORE -5

Bill Gates Is The Man SCORE 210

Well, that escalated quickly SCORE 180

Beaver secret handshake SCORE 126

Cat saves a falling hand SCORE 162

Why ‘The Breakfast Club’ wouldn’t work at school today. SCORE 174

Like A Presidential Candidate SCORE 11

Here's Johnny! SCORE 151

Facebook Complainers SCORE 128

Daniel Radcliffe Problems SCORE 3

Joey does have a point SCORE 110

"Extra Strength dog breath potion" SCORE 154

A dog’s purpose according to a 6 year old SCORE 6

The Nursing Cat SCORE 198

This is way too accurate SCORE 0

Some say Portuguese is harder than English SCORE 13

A Friend Pointed This Out To Me Today SCORE 10

Just sitting in the parking lot free of charge. SCORE 137

This Sign Made Me Chuckle SCORE 10

The Logic Of Every Dog SCORE 8