Reverse puberty. SCORE 243 SCORE 3
Whenever I try to grow facial hair… SCORE 175
Kids vs. Adults SCORE 195
Chris Pratt SCORE 244
Weight gain tips with Chris Pratt. SCORE 165
What I look like when I try to ice skate. SCORE 128
Stand up against racial stereotypes. SCORE 162
When kids help in the kitchen. SCORE 118
Vaccines cause autism. SCORE 206
Thanks FedEx. SCORE 133
Just gonna put some salt in that wound SCORE 221
Marvel knows how to take risks. SCORE 250
Kid vs Fish.. LOL!! SCORE 19
Google. SCORE 165
I’m melting! SCORE 152
How do you define “art”? SCORE 169
This is what an 85 million dollar house looks like… SCORE 3
I’m in a wide open spaaaaaace! SCORE 10
I didn’t know Van Damme had a daughter… SCORE 165
Well, that went over their head. SCORE 16
Beverage logic. SCORE 189
Griffin door. SCORE 216
Cat in tub.. SCORE 15
When someone compliments me… SCORE 119
The brilliance of Homer. SCORE 109
Cure for Ebola. SCORE -2
#mythoughtsexactly SCORE 237
Gay penguins become adoptive parents. SCORE 0
Vaccines cause autism. SCORE 206
I love getting packages! SCORE 149
Guess I’ll park somewhere else then SCORE 128