Perfect Ad Placement….. SCORE 114
Wrong number. SCORE 116
Pivot! SCORE 70
This was very funny to me SCORE 194
Martin Luther misinterpretation SCORE 121
This ladybug just chillin in morning dew. SCORE 108
She did laugh afterwards, but still SCORE 100
There could be an infinite number of parallel universes! SCORE 139
10 points to slithernan SCORE 134
Burn SCORE 126
Sleeping sperm whales SCORE 110
Walk lightly & carry a big stick SCORE 107
Scumbag Utility Company SCORE 95
Cinnabon SCORE 116
Musical Notation. SCORE 121
Took pictures of fireworks, ended up with a "nebula" SCORE 160
No you’re going to the Y! SCORE 120
Tokyo is nice this time of year. SCORE 117
Cats Vs. Laws Of Nature SCORE 86
Pulp fiction SCORE 142
Randy gets serious SCORE 124
Trash panda loves his plushy trash panda toy SCORE 115
Say again? SCORE 57
Harry Potter Named All His Kids Like Some Nerd SCORE 201
Posing with statue taken to the next level. SCORE 129
Let him speak! SCORE 93
Concrete Canoes on Jeopardy SCORE 136
Baboon / Babeen SCORE 100
Hey. <3 SCORE 128
Puppy’s mind = blown SCORE 171
Perspective SCORE 121
SPEECH : 100 SCORE 244