This self aware chocolate bar… SCORE 126

Favorite childhood memory SCORE 157

Bob Ross SCORE 182

Halloween season is almost over…you know what that means. SCORE 74

Angry Birds In The South SCORE 43

This perfect pyramid of pancakes look delicious. SCORE 64

Whenever I Try To Get In Shape SCORE 73

Can’t handle the embearassment SCORE 135

Girl Scouts Lead The Way SCORE 115

All living former presidents of the United States in 1 picture. SCORE 131

The single most rage-inducing sentence of my childhood. SCORE 82

Funny and sad. SCORE 234

Bill Nye Never Fails To Win My Respect SCORE 226

When you don’t understand how french works SCORE 122

In Search of Lost Self SCORE 169

Rubber band Halloween SCORE 27

Fashion SCORE 210

Every time SCORE 118

Clever advertising campaign from Colgate SCORE 134

This man dressed up as a delivery man to steal a case of beer… he deserves it SCORE 91

Never forget Irena Sendler SCORE 270

Nicely Said, Bob SCORE 100

My daughter, the Hobbit SCORE 133

Put too much water in your rice? Throw some phones in! SCORE 76

Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave. SCORE 104

My dog, everyone SCORE 106

Congressional Pawn Star Rick SCORE 48


Local pumpkin contest had 2 pumpkins boxing each other! SCORE 99

Explaining why there are so many severe hurricanes this year SCORE 97

The eruption of Mount Saint Helens in 1980 SCORE 102