lighten up, it's only a joke SCORE 117
Smart Dog SCORE 199
Happy Easter from Jim Carrey SCORE 61
The 99 bears of James T. Whitehead SCORE 176
Embarrassing Apollo Incident SCORE 85
I’m pretty sure those are called Pictionary and Scrabble. SCORE 165
Save your storage space, stop videoing fireworks SCORE 140
This safety sign has a peculiar way of ensuring safety SCORE 117
I Keep Losing My Things SCORE 110
Boys Are Born With It SCORE 2
Proper way to use a handrail SCORE 146
Pretty accurate SCORE 13
Speed Trap Prank SCORE 147
Selfie of a Hottie SCORE 142
Much excitement! Very impressed! SCORE 12
Pancake Has Awesome Style SCORE 145
One Smart Bird SCORE 11
Good reaction, bad timing SCORE 16
Harry and Kylo SCORE 194
When Dr. Seuss Explains Pregnancy SCORE 11
Wow, my allergies are kicking up something fierce. SCORE 159
My buddy’s Halloween costume in 6th grade SCORE 112
99.99% effective SCORE 195
No Babysitter Available SCORE 13
Please Be More Romantic SCORE 112
what an egg-cellent idea SCORE 15
When The Waiter Comes In My Direction SCORE 8
I wish this was possible. SCORE 9
Urban Dictionary nails it. SCORE 12
It isn’t a compliment. SCORE 16
Angry hedgehog smiles after getting treat SCORE 134
A whole new world SCORE 11