Fill yourself up. SCORE 78

They did the math SCORE 123

God’s plan SCORE 34

Cookies SCORE 48

Shooting a bear doesn’t make you a badass. Feeding one while her cub humps your leg definitely does. SCORE 67

Having A New Kid SCORE 58

Do You Even Speak Cat, Human? SCORE 118

Just a gif I thought you guys would enjoy SCORE 66

A Puppy Forever SCORE 104

Earth now has a quasi-moon SCORE 100

Adulthood SCORE 114

I mean it has to be SCORE 103

A snippet from today’s Times diary SCORE 183

First World Problems, British Edition SCORE 81

So that’s how it happened… SCORE 62

You’re not playing hard enough… SCORE 90

Bad luck generation SCORE 99

Geese suck, period. SCORE 87

I’m so white collar SCORE 75

Aurora borealis bedrooms in Finland SCORE 77

Algonquin Peak SCORE 74

Sex scenes in movies SCORE 141

Naming The Animals SCORE 124

Sugar Like You’ve Never Seen It Before SCORE 59

Help, Daddy. SCORE 47

Just another Summer day. SCORE 52

A New 30 Day Workout Challenge I Can Get Behind. SCORE 56

I Used To Be Frustrated By People Talking… SCORE 68

If you can’t handle me at my worst… SCORE 72

The Hard Life Of A Wizard SCORE 133

Having a puppy is straight-up better than having love SCORE 81

If You’re Only Staying Two Nights… SCORE 87