Laughter orb SCORE 69
Whenever Tolkien wrote himself into a corner… SCORE 104
Tis the season. SCORE 51
Bo Brutal Burnham. SCORE 147
Seems fair… SCORE 153
The entire Sonic Forces playthrough SCORE 123
How do I go long on Chuck E. Cheese SCORE 116
If You Start Watching Shrek On December 31st…. SCORE 105
500-year old tea house in Wales SCORE 141
A show never spoke to me on a person level like this SCORE 90
I hope they took that right turn SCORE 83
Webs of spiders on various drugs SCORE 63
Suicide Squad – Extended Cut SCORE 103
(.)(.) SCORE 95
I did this. SCORE 208
This car being vaporized. SCORE 112
Hollaa SCORE 48
In a nutshell.. SCORE 155
Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. SCORE 132
Christmas PSA SCORE 108
Sunday’s are like that SCORE 126
Living with a cat SCORE 110
It’s more of a savory soda… SCORE 56
In this housing market? SCORE 141
This man knows how to finish a play SCORE 69
Thanks Google. SCORE 80
Wet Willy SCORE 63
Elon Musk calls out Wired SCORE 143
Scooby don’t do that. SCORE 69
This rock in New Zealand SCORE 75
You better not touch my squirrel SCORE 95