The return of Monday. SCORE 100

Sheldon and his lego house SCORE 11

The allegory of the werewolf. SCORE 129

If you believe food looks just like shown on the box… SCORE 78

attack of cuteness SCORE 8

How the internet works. SCORE 230

How drugs work SCORE 6

We threw a birthday party for this caterpillar. SCORE 174

Like a sir. SCORE 289

Every day. SCORE 108

Let your creative juices flow. SCORE 3

Tulip farms in the Netherlands. SCORE 327

When Marshall’s dad has a heart attack. SCORE 504

Mom? SCORE 124

Hooray for boredom SCORE 6

Being lonely. SCORE 246

Trojan condoms. SCORE 106

Trollololo. SCORE 169

Ninja kitty. SCORE 100

Never Gonna Give Them Up SCORE 5

#hashtag. SCORE 165

Does not compute. SCORE 108

Tree hotel in North Sweden. SCORE 179

He thinks he’s a dog. SCORE 152

The weight of the Internet. SCORE 131

Like a boss. SCORE 162

Nevermind, I’ll find.. SCORE 4

My magic watch. SCORE 249

Wright? SCORE -4

How I feel as a grad student in a first year course. SCORE 186

Always be yourself. SCORE 132

Ceiling fans. SCORE 203