The dog seems confused. SCORE 14
Some say he’s still searching to this day… SCORE 27
It demands the sushi. SCORE 24
Succ it up, Em. SCORE 31
Being married is hard. SCORE 30
Let’s just keep it simple, Jack. SCORE 21
Horse is as horse does… SCORE 28
Recursed tea… SCORE 25
OK Slinky Dog makes a good tattoo :/ SCORE 36
Kraken ad on a London Bus SCORE 28
This is what we call art. SCORE 26
I’m not above the law. SCORE 38
1993 Halle Berry was rad. SCORE 25
When you lie on the resume but nail the interview… SCORE 28
Right on the pavement SCORE 37
$6.95 E-mail Delivery Fee? Send it by owl, thanks… SCORE 25
Yes? Father is that you? SCORE 31
Survivor from the Australia’s fires. SCORE 27
Amway and bust? SCORE 31
Seriously Mona, cut the crap. SCORE 37
New cat friend after a visit to the vet, a good clean-up, and a full meal SCORE 36
Learn to prosper by yourself SCORE 27
Hands free, my arse… SCORE 29
Lick more and stay healthy out there. SCORE 26
Thanks mom… SCORE 26
Best Birb Friends SCORE 30
On millennials and tea. SCORE 43
boop activated… SCORE 26
Protect this one. SCORE 30
Look at the statistics, tho. SCORE 27
1985 school lunches were hard to beat. SCORE 25
Well Yes SCORE 35