Thought you guys should be reminded too SCORE 61
Alfred Hitchcock impersonating Ringo Starr, 1964. SCORE 52
Service dogs-to-be visiting my husband’s station so they aren’t scared of firefighters in gear SCORE 102
We dodged a bullet. SCORE 119
Sly boys. SCORE 101
Clearly this guy likes to live on the edge. SCORE 31
fetch delivered. SCORE 121
Assert your dominance always. – Dory, probably SCORE 39
The joys of meeting new people [OC] SCORE 46
You have to have a boarding pass with a middle seat on it to get in and have a free coke and snacks. SCORE 87
Wat? SCORE 55
I Like Your T-shirt, It’s Fantastic SCORE 141
know your hogwarts house SCORE 54
Climb aboard, explorers! SCORE 91
Sorry vegans SCORE 70
I don’t think Norwegians want visitors… SCORE 74
Company made 5 billion last year and all I got was a candy bar. SCORE 50
I guess… SCORE 97
My cat SCORE 57
Started my transfer paperwork already. SCORE 62
Nice try Mr. Ed. SCORE 61
The Majestic Bookstore, Osaka, Japan SCORE 67
Three Cup Gull SCORE 71
Off the record… go get ’em SCORE 100
Trying to pick up a rock when you don’t have hands SCORE 65
The Flight Deck of Space Shuttle Columbia SCORE 65
Keanu Reeves getting flowers from a fan SCORE 92
Dammit not again SCORE 89
Ever wonder how trains run year round in the Great White North? SCORE 81
And remember, people are there to eat with their friends/family, not to care about your income SCORE 52
I’m both kinds of tired… SCORE 106