Deep Thoughts SCORE 13
When you’re at the movies SCORE 123
Which box should I sit in? SCORE 107
Avngrs SCORE 5
Japanese women be like SCORE 10
The most honest pick-up line SCORE 7
Seriously, What’s Wrong With This World? SCORE 14
Obama at his first State of the Union Address and his last one SCORE 159
The Current Education System, Kid Is Too Smart, Better Dumb Him Down SCORE 151
When Your Skin Is Wet SCORE 134
I like naps SCORE 143
Being a vampire isn’t so great SCORE 186
If Anakin was bread SCORE 13
The real miss universe SCORE 138
in honor of Alan Rickman, I turned to page three hundred and ninety-four SCORE 152
The Name Of This Jockey Player SCORE 15
Odds SCORE 189
When the teacher looks at you in class SCORE 13
The Big Bang Theory Summed Up SCORE 94
The library at my university SCORE 146
Great Coaster SCORE 15
Sleeping soundly SCORE 126
Fantastic pick up line SCORE 190
Vader Looks At The Silver Lining On The Dark Side SCORE 142
That’s Awkward SCORE 145
The author does not like geese SCORE 134
Sums Up My Current Relationship Status SCORE 5
Picture within a picture within a picture SCORE 160
No money for dentist? No problem. SCORE 12
Real world here I come SCORE 125
Before You Speak, Please Consider SCORE 0
Always SCORE 10