NeapoliTAN. SCORE 321

Nailed it. SCORE 292

Day 42: The humans still think I’m a baked potato. SCORE 268


Watch this if you’re depressed. SCORE 204

I’m going to need one of these. SCORE 172

Someone’s going to need another book. SCORE 171

Wet paint. SCORE 233

It’s-a not you… SCORE 218

X-Ray self portrait. SCORE 259

Brits having a normal day at Wal-Mart SCORE 175

It’s true… SCORE 194

Underwear that’s fun to wear! SCORE 170

First world cats. SCORE 201

Wazaaaa! SCORE 189

The snail troll. SCORE 95

Scumbag Subway. SCORE 146

Scarlet takes a tumble. SCORE 122

Thanks Jack… SCORE 217

I have nothing to say. SCORE 229

Mirror, mirror, on the wall. SCORE 285

The only honest people in the world… SCORE 291

Iron Man Bear. SCORE 162

That’s so sweet… oh wait. SCORE 157

Now we’re just somebody that you used to know. SCORE 270

If you unfollow me… SCORE 240

Cats are jerks. SCORE 113

How to be alone. SCORE 134


Can you see it? SCORE 200

Vengeful dad. SCORE 212

I need a taco! SCORE 244