What do you call a hooker that you pay with spaghetti? SCORE 168
Fall back problems SCORE 8
See The Good Side In A Bad Situation SCORE 149
Game Of Thrones, The Coloring Book SCORE 13
Avert your eyes SCORE 10
Rhyming SCORE 4
The loneliest frog in the world SCORE 12
No tiger? SCORE 8
Me as a witch SCORE 11
The Harry Potter Series And Its Meaning’ SCORE 13
Farewell Cake From Coworkers SCORE 181
Homeless people SCORE 6
Testing The Water SCORE 163
Don't start. SCORE 7
Humans are cute SCORE 136
Death with benefits SCORE 142
Seriously Adorable! SCORE 115
Worst thing that can happen to an introvert SCORE 11
Grammar is important SCORE 14
The Cat Who Sits Like A Person SCORE 14
To be broke or not to be broke SCORE 10
This is why Superman doesn't go to England. SCORE 120
Weirdest Hotels Around The World SCORE 9
I wonder SCORE 173
Did somebody order a Pugkin Spice Latte? SCORE 10
Stop It, Human SCORE 8
It’s The Way Relationships Work SCORE 9
Smart kids SCORE 7
Choose wisely my friends SCORE 8
Gift of the candy lady SCORE 43
Harry Potter + Fast and the Furious SCORE 111