Be a Man… SCORE 323

2013 summed up in one image. SCORE 16

Who’s willing to take one for the team? SCORE 166

I don’t always use Titanic jokes… SCORE 14

Thanks metabolism! SCORE 211

Do you wanna tell that to my Oscar? SCORE 230

how unfortunate SCORE 24

I lived dangerously. SCORE 203

Cat hair SCORE 16

You better not be writing in pen for 2014. SCORE 198

The first rule of Crossfit… SCORE 12

The evolution of chins SCORE 10

Humble pie. SCORE 12

Cameras on cops. SCORE 230

I should really fix those cupboard doors… SCORE 15

When I smell food from upstairs SCORE 18

My carrots! SCORE 14

My love for you is like diarrhea… SCORE 11

Physics Humor SCORE 213

In case of discouragement SCORE 189

Not sure if hipster or wizard trying to dress like a muggle. SCORE 238

Man’s best friend. SCORE 184

If you think women are the weaker sex… SCORE 24

Heath Ledger morphing into the Joker SCORE 20

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ SCORE 12

I love you just the way I am. SCORE 10

Snape FTW. SCORE 267

lin-jer-ree vs “lawn-jer-ray” SCORE 4

Romance in the 21st Tumblr century. SCORE 391

A hurricane at Saturn’s North Pole SCORE 167

Expectation vs. Reality SCORE 15

Life as Smaug. SCORE 266