You’re welcome. SCORE 211
Voldemort’s Calculator SCORE 25
I too live dangerously SCORE 18
I know where I’m headed… SCORE 328
Infinite chocolate bar. SCORE 162
You’re doing it right. SCORE 267
Well this is awkward. SCORE 206
What day is it? SCORE 244
Yep. SCORE 213
What I do when I can’t hear someone. SCORE 168
Not Fair SCORE 18
how to be awesome SCORE 4
A beautiful mutation SCORE 166
If you insist? SCORE -55
Being a cat owner… SCORE 87
If this gets annoying…. SCORE 12
Meanwhile in Britian SCORE 182
I Found A Course You’d Be Good At SCORE 245
British English vs. American English. SCORE 183
all girls while playing games SCORE -15
I suddenly want to be friends with a dolphin. SCORE 180
Only in Japan. SCORE 210
Music. SCORE 16
He kind’ve liked it… SCORE -7
Grumpy Cat Ate Nemo SCORE 117
I’m starting to become this guy. SCORE 272
Books Are Awesome SCORE 14
Pregnancy Q&A. SCORE 198
We are experiencing technical difficulties SCORE -3
Double fail. SCORE 108
omg !! damn u autocorrect SCORE 28