Jesus has taken the wheel SCORE 151
Children Will Be So Fun They Said SCORE 17
The Strange, Strange Creatures SCORE 154
The Truth About Narwhals SCORE 9
When people try to ship me SCORE 9
Some Cake Bakers Are Really Creative SCORE 11
Genius SCORE 7
This is a much better High School Musical. Please excuse the misspellings. SCORE 8
Always Innovate SCORE 18
My life…but biology not chemistry SCORE 13
My lifeeeee SCORE 14
Look at the art though SCORE 154
Family time SCORE 8
This is a game changer SCORE 14
How I pick up the ladies SCORE 7
That special someone SCORE 133
Russian hogwarts SCORE 137
Fixing The Bathroom Picture SCORE 11
I Want This Guy To Preform At My Funeral SCORE 10
I’m So Doing This When I Have Children SCORE 10
Spot the dog SCORE 115
Nobody is safe SCORE 14
Bad dad! SCORE 14
Me telling my mom I won’t stay up late on the internet….whoops SCORE 6
Hahaha SCORE 12
When Love Has No Limits SCORE 180
We’ve come full-circle. SCORE 15
Form plus function SCORE 14
Ever Hear About The Underwater Spider? SCORE 10
Every student will understand SCORE 115