You’re welcome. SCORE 211
If this gets annoying…. SCORE 12
Well this is awkward. SCORE 206
all girls while playing games SCORE -15
omg !! damn u autocorrect SCORE 28
British English vs. American English. SCORE 183
I too live dangerously SCORE 18
Books Are Awesome SCORE 14
I’m starting to become this guy. SCORE 272
Only in Japan. SCORE 210
I know where I’m headed… SCORE 328
Voldemort’s Calculator SCORE 25
I suddenly want to be friends with a dolphin. SCORE 180
Music. SCORE 16
A beautiful mutation SCORE 166
We are experiencing technical difficulties SCORE -3
Infinite chocolate bar. SCORE 162
What day is it? SCORE 244
I Found A Course You’d Be Good At SCORE 245
Pregnancy Q&A. SCORE 198
how to be awesome SCORE 4
Yep. SCORE 213
Being a cat owner… SCORE 87
He kind’ve liked it… SCORE -7
Not Fair SCORE 18
You’re doing it right. SCORE 267
What I do when I can’t hear someone. SCORE 168
If you insist? SCORE -55
Meanwhile in Britian SCORE 182
Grumpy Cat Ate Nemo SCORE 117