If you live on lake front property, why don’t you have this?! SCORE 182
Cow Fluffiness SCORE 12
Devilishly Genius SCORE 109
Almost everyone can relate SCORE 9
Most Metal Country Ever SCORE 173
Screamed Like A Terrified Teenage Girl SCORE 150
Most Famous Brand Each State Has Created SCORE 5
New Shower Curtain With A Surprise SCORE 13
be positive SCORE 5
Incredible family costume SCORE 196
Well, This Pretty Much Changes Everything SCORE 150
Coming Out With The Help Of Chemistry SCORE 10
A Sprinters Meal SCORE 9
So China’s ending their one-child policy. SCORE -1
Avengers: The cute era SCORE 155
To Shave Or Not To Shave SCORE -4
English SCORE 86
This year in science.. SCORE 72
It’s The Quantum Like SCORE 12
How Do You Spend So Much Money? SCORE 163
The Almighty Cat God SCORE 14
Tricky Facts About Popular Horror Movies That Will Make You Treat Them Diff SCORE 8
Covers Of Harry Potter Around The World SCORE 15
Raisins suck. SCORE 164
Player 3 now joined the burrito SCORE 11
My friend had the perfect costume this year. SCORE 169
The Anatomy of a Corgi SCORE 11
Yes it does SCORE 0
Dogs In Cars, They Look Like They’re Warping Through Space SCORE 11
If Disney Princesses Had A Facebook Account SCORE -1
Video Games Do Something That No Other Industry Does SCORE 141
If You Really Love A Flower SCORE 155