Anyone remember this? (From FB) SCORE 7
Actually rolling on the floor laughing. SCORE 166
Now that I can get behind. SCORE 149
Clever. SCORE 227
2Chellos SCORE 137
A bear’s life. SCORE 126
You make my heart flutter. SCORE 150
Im always curious. SCORE 130
I didn’t even know this was possible SCORE 148
Go home, bus. You’re drunk. SCORE 264
It’s a Sarlacc in your toilet SCORE 112
Kim Pastabowl SCORE 17
Living the dream. SCORE 195
Pepsi. SCORE 9
Burn. SCORE 300
Lazy dog. SCORE 12
The first grammar nazi. SCORE 201
Pooing on ornate statues SCORE 136
Childhood ruined. SCORE 12
Today before a math test, our teacher played this song SCORE 15
Losing a rap battle with your grandmother SCORE 14
I’d have school spirit there! SCORE 13
Candles for dogs. SCORE 87
Because cute SCORE 135
This eggplant wants to hug you. SCORE 147
How to beat Jigsaw. SCORE 11
Beautiful artist and artwork…oh wait… SCORE 134
Stuff being thrown at my head. SCORE 148
Boy or abortion? SCORE -32
The most important stat… SCORE 153
Welcome to hell. SCORE 173
Just pigeon things: Wasting your summer in the park SCORE 16