My child is punishing me. SCORE 49
What does Puerto Rico contribute? SCORE 113
Smartphone maths. SCORE 35
Serenity on the go. SCORE 71
Unexpected evolution… SCORE 56
*Delighted Bat Noises* SCORE 60
Get it, Bill. SCORE 78
Hugs to scale. SCORE 72
[screaming intensifies] SCORE 54
I can still hear the hold music… SCORE 88
Come to the party, leave with a vasectomy. SCORE 31
Oopsie… I’m smarter than you… SCORE 115
yes, bernie sanders should totally live in the US treasury building SCORE 57
Snoop respects the classics SCORE 103
Cuddly cloud SCORE 70
Zing SCORE 70
You think YOUR guest list was big… SCORE 104
Lies for good. SCORE 84
Cookie collapse SCORE 36
You’re hired and you can work here as long as you want. SCORE 56
No need for awkward small talk SCORE 111
Dad to the rescue! SCORE 73
…but mooom SCORE 60
Friggan Canucks. SCORE 83
Harry Potter and the gulag of secrets SCORE 90
That’s one way to educate people… SCORE 91
Oprah Winfrey: The real self-made billionaire SCORE 102
Just Jeep problems… SCORE 64
The dangers of custom checks. SCORE 45
Gamers for good. SCORE 106
Barbie pagoda fungus is ridiculously attractive. SCORE 89
Bernie Sanders picking up trash at Burlington Park after being elected Mayor in 1981 SCORE 55