my life SCORE 200

Please Shake Vigorously SCORE 11

Demonic Pun Life SCORE 13

Everyone’s favorite guessing game SCORE 160

The taste of fine tequila. SCORE 12

Mont Saint-Michel In France SCORE 13

The saddest face swap SCORE 138

Life with public transportation SCORE 116

Meanwhile on tinder SCORE 146

Scrubba dub dub SCORE 130

Accurate SCORE 5

How To Catch A Chicken SCORE 12

What I wish I could say during interviews SCORE 138

I can relate SCORE 12

JoJo the comfort dog works at dentistry clinic to help ease patients' anxiety SCORE 18

Classical music struggle SCORE 162

How to fall down the stairs… SCORE 14

dentists these days.. SCORE 13

Worth Every Cent SCORE 15

I can totally relate to this SCORE 117

The Awesome Margaret Hamilton SCORE 235

Cat Hypnotizes Itself With Own Tail SCORE 9

True Meaning Of Life SCORE 5

Gym Domino Effect SCORE 200

Here’s The Problem With Math Tests SCORE 15

Cheer up! SCORE 137

And You…Well SCORE 7

Omg, make it stop! SCORE 5

Every day SCORE 119

10/10 would watch SCORE 202

Pretty accurate depiction on how fandoms work. SCORE 159

Notes In Class SCORE 147